Viva AI

Viva AI


Viva AI, developed by AIGC Labs, stands at the forefront of innovation in artificial intelligence tools, offering a diverse range of functionalities to revolutionize content creation. Designed to cater to individuals and professionals seeking efficient and engaging content generation solutions, Viva AI simplifies the process of creating visually appealing multimedia content using advanced AI algorithms. Whether it's converting text to images or crafting stunning videos, Viva AI empowers users to enhance their content creation efforts effortlessly.

Key Features

1. Multimodality Support: Viva AI supports four modalities simultaneously, including text, image, video, and 3D models, providing a versatile platform for content creation.
2. Proprietary Data and Model Parameters: With over 13 billion proprietary data and model parameters, Viva AI ensures superior performance and accuracy in content generation.
3. AI Image Generation: Seamlessly convert words to visually captivating images with Viva AI's free AI image generator.
4. AI Video Generation: Create stunning videos effortlessly using Viva AI's free AI video generator.
5. Magic Tools: Features like Repainting, Magic Expand, Image Enhance, and Magic Eraser offer users powerful editing capabilities to enhance their content.


1. Content Creators: Enhance their content creation process with AI-generated images, videos, and 3D models.
2. Marketers: Leverage Viva AI to create visually engaging promotional materials and advertisements.
3. Educators: Enhance learning experiences through multimedia content creation.
4. Small Business Owners: Create professional-quality visuals for their websites, social media, and marketing campaigns.
5. Independent Artists: Explore new creative avenues by utilizing AI’s capabilities in generating diverse multimedia content.

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