


Thoughtly is revolutionizing the way businesses interact with their customers by providing an intuitive and easy-to-use platform for building AI voice agents. Designed for a wide range of industries, Thoughtly allows businesses to create customized voice agents that can handle customer queries, provide information, and perform various tasks efficiently. With Thoughtly, the deployment of voice AI solutions is swift and effortless, making it accessible even for companies without a technical background.

Key Features

1. Agent Accelerator: The Agent Accelerator feature enables businesses to speed up the creation and deployment of voice agents. With pre-designed templates and tools, the setup process is streamlined, allowing companies to get started quickly.

2. Seamless Integrations: Thoughtly supports seamless integration with various systems and platforms, such as CRM software, customer support tools, and e-commerce platforms. This ensures that the voice agents can access and utilize existing company data effectively.

3. Advanced AI Capabilities: Powered by cutting-edge AI technologies, Thoughtly's voice agents understand natural language and can engage in human-like conversations. This enhances the user experience and ensures accurate and relevant responses.

4. Customization and Scalability: Thoughtly offers extensive customization options, enabling businesses to tailor voice agents to meet specific needs. The platform also scales effortlessly, making it suitable for companies of all sizes.


1. Customer Support: Businesses can deploy Thoughtly's voice agents to handle customer inquiries, troubleshoot issues, and provide instant support, reducing the need for human intervention and improving response times.

2. Sales and Marketing: Voice agents can assist in qualifying leads, providing product information, and even processing orders, making the sales and marketing process more efficient.

3. E-commerce: E-commerce platforms can leverage Thoughtly's capabilities to offer personalized shopping experiences, guiding customers through purchases, answering questions, and providing recommendations.

4. Healthcare: In the healthcare industry, Thoughtly's voice agents can be used to schedule appointments, remind patients about medications, and provide general health information, enhancing patient engagement and care.

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