


Storyblocker is a cutting-edge previsualization tool designed for filmmakers, leveraging Augmented Reality (AR), Real-Time 3D, and AI technologies to transform the creative process. This innovative platform allows filmmakers to visualize their ideas directly in the real world, thus streamlining the pre-production phase and ultimately saving a significant amount of time on set. By offering intuitive mobile functionalities, Storyblocker makes filmmaking more accessible, allowing creators to block scenes and manipulate characters right from their smartphones.

Key Features

1. Storyboarding and Scene Blocking: With Storyblocker, users can storyboard and block entire movies, music videos, or commercials. By harnessing the convenience of smartphones, filmmakers can sketch out their entire vision easily, ensuring every shot is accounted for before shooting begins.
2. Enhanced Visual Manipulation: The platform allows filmmakers to manipulate cast members or 3D characters using artificial intelligence. This feature enhances shot composition and helps directors make informed decisions about the visuals before setting foot on the filming location.
3. AR Scene Projection: One of the standout features of Storyblocker is the ability to project scenes in Augmented Reality. Users can place their 3D actors in real environments, allowing them to experiment with angles and setups in real-time. This aspect fundamentally redefines how filmmakers see their stories coming to life in an immersive format.


1. Independent Filmmakers: Independent filmmakers can use Storyblocker to visualize their projects without the need for extensive resources. The app's user-friendly interface and mobile functionality allow for rapid ideation and visualization.
2. Film Schools: Students can greatly benefit from this tool by gaining hands-on experience with storyboarding and scene blocking, helping to reinforce theoretical knowledge with practical skills.
3. Advertising Agencies: Advertising teams can utilize Storyblocker for creating commercials, visualizing them in real settings before executing the final shoot, thus streamlining the process.
4. Animation Studios: With beta features for animated scenes, animation studios can start prototyping their projects, allowing for fluid manipulation of 3D assets and character movements to experiment with their storytelling approaches.

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