Introduction is a cutting-edge platform that focuses on enhancing marketing performance and location intelligence through modern customer segmentation datasets. Unlike traditional customer segmentation methods that rely on surveys, utilizes organic consumer behavior data to deliver richer and more accurate insights. This makes it an immensely valuable tool for businesses aiming to understand their customers better and make data-driven decisions effectively.

Key Features

PersonaLive: This feature allows users to segment customers based on their social, mobile, and web behaviors. This segmentation system ensures that marketing efforts are more targeted and effective.

Proximity: Proximity categorizes neighborhoods by the social media behaviors of their inhabitants. This enables marketers to understand the social interests and behaviors happening at a localized level.

FollowGraph: This coming soon feature will quantify consumer interests in brands, influencers, and media at a geographic level. By doing so, brands can gauge where their most engaged audiences are located.


1. Marketing: With, marketing teams can launch highly-targeted, data-driven campaigns within days rather than weeks. This not only speeds up the process but also increases the effectiveness of the campaigns.

2. Real Estate Analysis: Whether you are in retail, restaurant, or development, data can guide you in making critical location decisions. By mapping out customer segments, you can locate the best opportunities for new sites.

3. Predictive Modeling:'s datasets provide unique signals that can enhance the accuracy of predictive models. Customers have reported a reduction in error rates by up to 17% when using data compared to traditional demographic variables.

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