


Shape is a lucid dreaming app designed to help users learn and master the art of lucid dreaming. The app provides guided audio experiences, progress tracking, and various tools to enhance dream recall and facilitate lucid dreaming.

Core Features

Audio Guides: Learn lucid dreaming techniques from expert instructors.

Progress Tracking: Monitor improvements in dream recall and lucid dreaming skills.

Reality Checks: Practice habits that carry into the dream world to achieve lucidity.

Application Scenarios

Personal Development: Improve mental clarity and self-awareness.

Relaxation: Use lucid dreaming for meditation and stress relief.

Creativity: Explore and enhance creativity through dream experiences.


Shape is an app that helps users learn lucid dreaming with guided audio, progress tracking, and reality checks.


Guided audio for lucid dreaming techniques.

Progress tracking for dream recall and lucidity.

Tools for practicing reality checks.


AI, LucidDreaming, PersonalDevelopment, MentalHealth, Creativity

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