Screaming Frog SEO Spider

Screaming Frog SEO Spider


Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a comprehensive site crawler designed to help SEOs and webmasters conduct in-depth website audits. This tool is widely recognized for its efficiency in identifying common SEO issues that might hinder a website's performance. It can crawl both small and large websites efficiently and provide real-time data analysis, making it an indispensable tool for optimizing onsite SEO.

Key Features

Find Broken Links and Errors: Instantly discover broken links (404s), server errors, and other common issues. The tool allows for bulk export of errors and source URLs for developer fixes.

Audit Redirects: Identify temporary and permanent redirects, detect redirect chains and loops, and facilitate site migration audits by uploading URL lists.

Analyse Page Titles and Meta Data: Analyze page titles and meta descriptions, identify elements that are too long, short, missing, or duplicated, and optimize them for better SEO performance.

Discover Duplicate Content: Spot exact duplicate URLs and partially duplicated elements, including page titles, descriptions, and headings. Additionally, identify pages with low content.

Extract Data with XPath: Use CSS Path, XPath, or regex to collect data from HTML pages, such as social meta tags, headings, prices, and more.

Review Robots and Directives: Review URLs blocked by robots.txt, meta robots, or X-Robots-Tag directives, and evaluate canonical tags and pagination attributes.

Generate XML Sitemaps: Create XML Sitemaps and Image XML Sitemaps with advanced configurations, including priority and change frequency.

Integrate with GA, GSC, and PSI: Fetch user and performance data by connecting to Google Analytics, Search Console, and PageSpeed Insights APIs.

Crawl JavaScript Websites: Render web pages using Chromium WRS to crawl dynamic, JavaScript-rich websites.

Visualise Site Architecture: Use interactive visualizations, including crawl and directory diagrams, to evaluate internal linking and URL structure.

Schedule Audits: Automate crawls and export data to various locations on a schedule, including Google Sheets, or completely automate via command line.


Agencies and SEOs: Ideal for running comprehensive site audits and tracking SEO performance over time, from broken links to complex redirects and meta data analysis.

Webmasters and Website Owners: Enhance website performance by identifying and fixing SEO issues, optimizing site structure, and ensuring all pages are accessible and optimized.

Content Marketers: Audit content for duplication, optimize meta data for better search engine visibility, and track performance metrics from Google Analytics and other integrations.

Development Teams: Streamline site migrations by auditing redirects and blocked URLs, and ensure the site's SEO integrity before and after migration.


1. Comprehensive Site Audits: Identify broken links, redirects, duplicate content, and other common SEO issues.
2. Advanced Data Extraction and Analysis: Utilize XPath, CSS Path, and regex to extract specific data and analyze site performance.
3. Real-Time Crawling and Visualization: Provides real-time data analysis and interactive site architecture visualizations.

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