Introduction is a state-of-the-art generative AI platform specifically crafted to enhance sales teams' efficiency by automating key tasks in the prospecting process. Designed with the unique challenges of sales teams in mind, leverages artificial intelligence to make prospecting easier and more effective, ensuring that sales representatives can focus on high-value activities.

Key Features

Auto-Pilot: automates the prospecting process, enabling sales teams to reach out to potential clients effortlessly. It discovers target accounts and contacts that are not available in your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, saving time and cutting down on the need for data providers.

Content Generation: Using pre-stored content and customizable AI prompts, ensures that every message is on-brand and contextually relevant to the recipient. This feature helps in generating emails, calls, social touches, and LinkedIn messages that resonate with prospects.

Outbound Prioritization: uses engagement and intent data to prioritize outreach to prospects who are in the buying cycle. This ensures timely and relevant engagement.

Dynamic Audience Engagement: The platform adjusts its engagement strategy based on the prospect's interaction. Engaged buyers receive more frequent touches, while less-engaged prospects are nurtured over time until they are ready to engage in sales discussions.

Inbound Lead Response: automates lead follow-up, ensuring timely engagement and qualification.

Customer Expansion: The platform identifies opportunities for cross-selling and upselling to existing customers, ensuring sustained revenue growth.


Cold Outbound: identifies and engages new prospects with personalized emails, calls, and social touches, making cold outreach warm and effective.

LinkedIn Engagement: The platform creates targeted LinkedIn connection and InMail messages for potential buyers, enhancing social selling efforts.

Sales Nurture: crafts personalized nurture campaigns for prospects not ready to engage with a sales representative, ensuring they remain in the pipeline until sales-ready.

Inbound Lead Response: Automatic engagement rules help in quickly following up with inbound leads, increasing the chances of conversion.

ABM Multi-threading: It helps in discovering new prospects within key accounts, facilitating multi-threading for account-based marketing (ABM) strategies.

Unworked Leads: The platform engages leads that have not yet been worked on by sales representatives, maximizing the return on every potential client. is trusted by top enterprise brands for its ability to streamline sales processes and improve engagement with automated, AI-driven strategies.

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