


Plumb is a cutting-edge AI platform that makes building complex AI pipelines easier and more efficient. By using a node-based editor, users can create and deploy AI pipelines quickly without the need for extensive coding. This platform caters to both technical and non-technical users, providing a collaborative environment for teams to work together seamlessly.

Key Features

Easy Deployment: Plumb allows you to transform your pipelines into live API endpoints, eliminating the need for constant code redeployment and debugging. This feature ensures that your AI models are always up-to-date and functioning correctly.

Team Collaboration: The node-based editor is designed to be user-friendly, enabling non-technical team members to build and iterate on AI pipelines without breaking them. This fosters a collaborative environment and accelerates the development process.

Structured Output: Plumb uses a validated JSON schema to ensure that all data transformed through the platform is structured and reliable. This leads to high-quality outputs that can be easily integrated with other systems.

Prompt Lab: Coming soon, this feature will allow users to compare prompt and model performance efficiently, making it easier to spot and debug issues, ensuring rapid fixes and deployments.

AI Integrations: Plumb supports various AI models, including OpenAI's GPT models (3.5 to 4), Anthropic's Claude models, and AssemblyAI for speech-to-text transcription. These integrations enable users to leverage state-of-the-art AI capabilities effortlessly.


Early Stage Product Teams: Plumb is ideal for early-stage product teams looking to validate their ideas quickly. The platform's easy-to-use editor and rapid deployment capabilities make it perfect for agile development cycles.

AI Developers: For AI developers, Plumb offers a robust environment to build, test, and deploy complex AI pipelines. The platform's structured output and integration capabilities ensure that AI models perform reliably.

Data Scientists: Data scientists can benefit from Plumb's ability to transform and structure data efficiently. The node-based editor allows for quick iterations, enabling data scientists to focus on enhancing model performance rather than getting bogged down by coding intricacies.

Non-Technical Team Members: Even non-technical team members can contribute to building AI pipelines using Plumb. The intuitive editor ensures that anyone can create and iterate on pipelines without extensive training.

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