Introduction is an innovative AI-powered meeting assistant designed to enhance productivity during meetings. It offers advanced features such as real-time transcription and automated note-taking, allowing participants to engage actively without the distraction of manual note-taking. Whether in a business setting or an educational environment, transforms how meetings are conducted by making information easily accessible and organized.

Key Features

Real-Time Automatic Transcription: automatically joins virtual meetings via Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams to provide live transcription. This feature ensures that no details are missed during discussions and allows participants to focus on the conversation rather than on taking notes.

Automated Summaries and Action Items: After every meeting, condenses discussions into concise summaries and generates actionable items with context. This feature saves time and ensures that everyone is aligned on next steps.

Integration with Popular Tools: integrates seamlessly with various platforms such as Salesforce and HubSpot, streamlining workflows and allowing teams to share notes directly in tools they already use.

Customizable Channels and Sharing: Users can create channels to organize notes by projects or teams, and easily share meeting notes with colleagues via email or Slack, enhancing collaboration.


Business Meetings: For professionals, alleviates the burden of note-taking, enabling teams to engage fully in discussions while maintaining a comprehensive record of what was discussed.

Sales Teams: Sales professionals can utilize's features to automate the tracking of actionable insights and follow-up tasks, resulting in faster deal closures.

Educational Institutions: Schools and universities can benefit from by providing students and faculty with real-time captions and notes, making courses more inclusive and accessible.

Media and Content Creation: Journalists and content creators can leverage to transcribe interviews and meetings swiftly, aiding in the storytelling process with accurate details.


Real-time transcription allows active participation without distraction.

Automated summaries save time and enhance productivity.

Seamless integration with popular tools boosts workflow efficiency.

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