


Notta is an innovative AI meeting notetaker designed to enhance productivity by transforming audio and video content into comprehensive text in real-time. With support for 58 languages, Notta allows users to capture and transcribe meetings, lectures, podcasts, and other audio materials efficiently. The platform aims to liberate professionals from manual note-taking, enabling them to focus on critical discussions and decision-making rather than being bogged down by administrative tasks.

Key Features

1. AI Transcription: Notta excels in converting audio and video into text efficiently. Its multilingual support enables transcription in 58 languages, catering to diverse global teams and bilingual meetings.
2. Meeting Summarization: With a single click, Notta summarizes lengthy discussions into concise meeting notes. This feature is crucial for quickly distilling essential decisions and action items for team members.
3. Real-time Translation: Notta’s ability to transcribe and translate simultaneously allows effective communication in multilingual settings, making it invaluable for international teams.
4. Seamless Integration: The platform can be linked with various tools like Slack, Notion, and Google Meet, ensuring smooth collaboration and easy sharing of meeting insights.
5. Scheduling and Notta Bot: Automate the meeting scheduling process and have the Notta Bot join your sessions to handle transcription, ensuring no noteworthy detail is missed.


1. Corporate Meetings: Companies can significantly boost efficiency by using Notta to transcribe and summarize all meetings. This functionality saves time and enhances information retention among team members.
2. Educational Institutions: Educators can utilize Notta to automatically transcribe lectures, making material accessible for students who may have missed the class or need to review.
3. Sales and Consulting: Sales teams can transcribe client calls to capture vital insights and follow up effectively, while consultants can focus on client interactions without the distraction of taking notes.
4. Media and Podcasting: Creators can easily transcribe interviews and podcasts, turning audio content into searchable and shareable text, thereby broadening accessibility and utility.
5. Personal Use: Anyone can leverage Notta for personal meeting notes, ensuring that important details of any discussion are recorded and easily retrievable.

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