


Firecrawl is an AI-driven platform that specializes in web scraping and data conversion, tailored for LLM (Large Language Model) applications. Built with advanced technology by Mendable, Firecrawl allows users to seamlessly extract and convert web content into clean markdown or structured data. Whether you're an AI researcher, data scientist, or developer, Firecrawl optimizes your data preparation process, making it convenient and efficient.

Key Features

Crawl, Capture, Clean: Crawls all accessible subpages of a website, converting content into clean markdown without needing a sitemap.

Dynamic Content Handling: Capable of scraping data from websites that use JavaScript to render content.

Open-source: Transparently developed, allowing contributions from the community.

Caching and Rate Management: Efficiently handles caching, proxies, and rate limits.

Integration Ready: Seamlessly integrates with popular tools and workflows.

Scalable Plans: Various pricing plans that grow with your project, including a free tier to get started.


AI Researchers and Engineers: Simplifies the process of collecting and preparing training data for machine learning models.

Data Scientists: Ideal for market research and content aggregation by effortlessly scraping and organizing large datasets.

Developers: Perfect for integrating web scraping functionalities into applications, enhancing data-driven capabilities.

Business Analysts: Useful for gathering business intelligence and competitor analysis from various web sources.

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