


Ferret is a groundbreaking platform designed to bring relationship intelligence right to your fingertips. Utilizing AI technology paired with extensive global data, Ferret aims to provide critical risk-related information to help you protect both your personal and professional relationships. Whether you're an investor, finance professional, or just someone who wants to keep their network clean, Ferret has something to offer.

Key Features

1. Single Click Reputation & Safety Pre-Checks: Ferret offers instant pre-checks on new contacts to help you avoid reputation risks. Just a single click can provide critical insights into someone’s past and reputation.

2. Comprehensive Relationship Intelligence: The platform aggregates data from various sources, including news archives, legal records, and social media. This gives a holistic view of an individual or a company's history, making it easier to spot high-risk individuals or promising opportunities.

3. Real-time Monitoring: Ferret's AI bots continuously scan your network, delivering actionable intelligence as it happens. You'll receive timely alerts about any significant changes related to your contacts, ensuring you stay updated and secure.


1. Investors: Enhance your due diligence process by unearthing negative stories, past lawsuits, and undisclosed companies linked to founders or their teams. Ferret helps you monitor risk-relevant individuals across your portfolio.

2. Finance Professionals: Perform instant anti-money laundering and sanctions checks. Keep track of past enforcement actions and license data to make informed decisions.

3. Digital Platforms: Screen individuals for criminal activity or records of violence before making personal or professional commitments. This is especially useful for online dating, hiring contractors, or renting properties.

4. Other Business Professionals: Manage your ever-growing contact list by receiving real-time updates about any news related to your contacts. This helps in avoiding bad actors and maintaining a clean and trustworthy network.

Ferret acts as your personal AI bot, always watching out for you by finding the needle in the haystack that matters most.

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