


ChatShape is an AI-driven platform designed to help businesses enhance their customer support and lead generation capabilities. By simply adding a link to your website, ChatShape crawls the site, gathers text data, and trains a customized AI chatbot. This chatbot can be embedded on your website to handle customer inquiries, generate leads, and improve conversion rates.

Key Features

1. Custom AI Customer Support: ChatShape's AI chatbots provide immediate responses to customer queries, significantly improving the customer experience. This 24/7 availability can help businesses save hundreds of hours while ensuring customer satisfaction.

2. Lead Generation: By integrating an email input form, businesses can easily collect leads from customer conversations. This feature enables the gathering of valuable customer information, such as their country of origin, which can then be exported as a CSV file.

3. High Customizability: Businesses can customize the branding, color, and tone of their chatbots to match their specific needs. This level of personalization helps maintain brand consistency and enhances user engagement.


1. E-commerce Websites: Integrate ChatShape chatbots to provide instant customer support, answer product-related queries, and guide customers through their shopping journey, thus increasing conversion rates.

2. Service-based Businesses: Use AI chatbots to handle appointment bookings, answer frequently asked questions, and provide essential service information, freeing up valuable man-hours for more critical tasks.

3. Educational Institutions: Employ chatbots to answer student inquiries, provide course information, and assist with the admission process, making it easier for prospective students to access the information they need.

4. Healthcare Providers: Implement chatbots to manage appointment scheduling, provide information on medical services, and answer common patient questions, thereby improving the overall patient experience.

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