


Balto is a revolutionary AI-powered platform specifically designed for contact centers. It aims to provide real-time guidance to call center agents, thus enhancing customer interactions and increasing sales. The platform enables agents to convert, save, and retain customers efficiently during live calls by delivering consistent, high-quality conversations. With Balto, contact centers can realize measurable improvements in customer satisfaction, compliance, and overall call handling efficiency.

Key Features

Balto offers a range of features that make it indispensable for modern contact centers:

Real-Time Guidance: Balto provides on-screen real-time prompts for agents, showing them key talking points and phrases. This helps ensure conversations are effective and consistent.

Behavior Change: The platform focuses on real-time behavior changes in agents, significantly improving call outcomes through prompts and notifications.

Automatic Notetaking: Balto automates after-call work by generating notes with a single click. This saves time and reduces administrative tasks for agents.

Quality Assurance: The platform allows for seamless 100% call scoring and quick identification of conversational issues. This eliminates the need for random sampling and reduces manual effort.

Managerial Insights: Balto alerts managers to key coaching opportunities, enabling them to provide instant guidance and improve agent performance in real-time.

Integration: Compatibility with over 60 softphones and major CCaaS and UCaaS systems ensures smooth workflows and rapid deployment within existing setups.


Balto's versatile platform is suitable for various use cases within a contact center environment:

Sales Teams: Enhance revenue by providing agents with live guidance and prompts, thereby improving conversion rates and customer retention during calls.

Customer Service (CX): Offer exemplary customer service by guiding agents on how to best interact with customers. This ensures high Customer Satisfaction Scores (CSAT) and quick issue resolution.

Quality Assurance Teams: Improve call quality assessment by automatically scoring all calls and pinpointing where conversations can be improved. This enables more effective and focused coaching.

Compliance: Ensure all calls adhere to regulatory guidelines and internal company policies. Balto's real-time prompts help agents stay compliant on every single call.

Managers: Gain real-time visibility into call center operations and identify key coaching moments, allowing for immediate intervention and long-term agent improvement.

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